


"Ambiguous, Swaying Night!"- an Interview with Penguin no Yuuutsu

Summer 2022 was a whirlpool of academic busyness for me. Exam season doesn’t usually allow for attention to be diverted elsewhere outside of revision material, but this year’s June is memorable to me for more than just the frantic exam preparation: it was also when I first discovered Tana’s music project Penguin no Yuuutsu.     A new discovery followed by an immediately strong curiosity, that results in continuously renewing comfort, is a process so intrinsically tied to my enjoyment of music: with only 6 songs released under the project’s name, I cycled through them all multiple times. This cycle continued on for weeks, which culminated in helping define my entire summer. Despite it being a new music project, there was a strong sense of familiarity with the tone of the music right from the beginning as it spoke to me with a reassurance that sounded sung from a mutual realm of personal reflection.   This exact recurring feeling I experienced in response to her music made ...

"What a Blur"

2017 was a very special year for me for a multitude of reasons, but of course one of the biggest was all the new music I discovered at the time. As I spent most of my teenage years focusing solely on academia, it was here when I began paying more attention to new sounds whilst also preparing for the looming entrance exams for Uni in 2018. Everyone must’ve had a phase of exploring new music through Youtube at some point, so it was a given that I’d end up dipping my toes in the ‘Youtube recommended-core” group of artists around this time. Many I haven’t listened to since, but one or two occasionally pop back up in my mind from my memories which instigates a revisit of nostalgia to their music. In the past few years one artist, however, never really strayed too far back into my past because I was always anticipating their next release: Fazerdaze released their first album Morningside in 2017, which I absolutely LOVED and was incredibly excited for what they’d release next. As time went on...